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  • 編者: Yip Ka-che, Wong Man Kong, and Leung Yuen Sang
  • 出版社:The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press
  • 出版年份:2018
  • 語言:English
  • ISBN:9789629968366
  • 頁數:464




The publication of this book marks the fifteenth anniversary of the outbreak of SARS epidemic in Hong Kong in 2003. This documentary study, originating as a research project a year after the epidemic, is a comprehensive attempt to examine the development of public health in Hong Kong from 1841 to the early 1990s. It covers the periods of prewar colonial rule, Japanese occupation, postwar reconstruction and growth, and the beginning of decolonisation. It analyses political, social, economic, and cultural factors, including the intersection of colonial priorities and indigenous agency and practices that affected disease outbreaks and development, government and local responses, advances in technology related to health and medicine, as well as the emergence of health agencies and institutions. The historical documents, selected from government archives, personal papers, and special collections, are invaluable source materials for the critical evaluation of such developments. The book provides a much needed and indispensable historical perspective to understanding Hong Kong’s struggle to combat prevalent and emerging diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, avian influenza, and SARS.



Author's Info

Yip Ka-che is Professor Emeritus in the History Department, University of Maryland.

Wong Man Kong is Associate Professor in the History Department, Hong Kong Baptist University.

Leung Yuen Sang is Dean of Arts at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.



Table of Contents
Foreword xi
Introduction xix


Part I: 1841–1941
Chapter I
Settlements, Urban Development, and Health Issues 3
Settlement Patterns, Population Growth, and Urban Development 3
Housing, Sanitation, and Health Issues 11
Disease Pattern before 1941 22
Chapter 2
Government Health Policies and Initiatives before 1941 45
From Colonial Surgeon to Director of Medical Services, and from Sanitary Board to the Urban Council 45
Building a Sanitary Infrastructure 58
Seaman’s Hospital and Civil Hospital 68
 Seaman’s Hospital 68
         Civil Hospital 71
Registration and Regulation of Medical and Health Personnel 82
     Medical Registration 82
     Midwives Registration 89
     Nurse Registration 95
Chapter 3
The Control of Major Diseases and Epidemics before 1941 101
Diseases, Epidemics, and Government Control Measures 101
The Colony’s Health before the Japanese Occupation 136

Chapter 4
Local Voluntarism, Healing Spaces, and Medical Education before 1941 147
The Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 148
         Community Support and the Founding of the Tung Wah Hospital 148
         The Introduction of Western Medicine in the Tung Wah Hospital 152
The Tung Wah Hospital in Hong Kong and the Spirit of Charity  during the 1920s 161
The Establishment of Kwong Wah Hospital 165
The Establishment of Tung Wah Eastern Hospital 168
The Tsan Yuk Hospital 171
Missionary Hospital 175
         Benjamin Hobson and Medical Missionary Society 175
         London Missionary Society and Its Four Hospitals 182
         Catholic Hospitals 189
Yeung Wo Hospital 191
The Early Stage of the Training of Medical Professionals 192
The Founding of the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese 192
Community Support for the University of Hong Kong’s
Medical Faculty 201


Part II: 1941–1993
Chapter 5
The Japanese Occupation 217
The Changes and Damages Brought to the Public Health
     Structure of Hong Kong 218
The Salient Features of Public Health 228
Control of Epidemics and Diseases 245
Wartime Degree Arrangement 252
Consequences of the Japanese Occupation 266
The Rehabilitation of Hospitals after the War 273
Chapter 6
Health Issues and Initiatives after 1945 277
Population Pressure and Housing 277
Sanitation 281
Government Health and Medical Policies 288
Medical Care and the Establishment of the Hospital Authority 295
The Training of Nurses and Public Health and Auxiliary Personnel 30
Chapter 7
Public Health Services and the Control of Major Diseases and Epidemics after 1945 313
Morbidity, Mortality, and Epidemiological Transition 313
Public Health Services 319
The Control of Major Diseases: Malaria, Tuberculosis, and Cholera 328
         Malaria 328
         Tuberculosis 332
         Cholera 336
Chapter 8
Local and International Philanthropic Involvement in Public Health 341
The Tung Wah Group 342
Missionary Related 345
Regional and Global Connection for Refugee Work and Beyond 351
Chapter 9
Shifting Paradigms in Medical Education and Research: 1947–1993 385
The Reconstruction of the University of Hong Kong and the Revival of Its Medical Faculty after the War 386
Gradual Expansion of Higher Education and Its Impact on Medical Education and the Beginning of Training for Allied Health Professionals 390
The Cultivation of Research Culture 405


Public Health in Hong Kong: A Chronology (1841–2017) 417
Bibliography 423
Acknowledgements 431

A Documentary History of Public Health in Hong Kong


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