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  • 作者:Kenneth Lo
  • 出版社:MCCM Creations
  • 出版年份:2007
  • 語言:繁體中文、English
  • ISBN:9789887723820


Book concept awarded EPSON imaging Award 2005 Hong Kong Judge Panel- Champion Japan Judge Panel- Honorable Mention 2005年EPSON彩色影像大賞—香港評審【相片組】冠軍及日本評審【寫真部門】佳作

No Landscape ever stays the same, although in memories, and photographs, we are able to keep things just the way they are. The 2016 revised reprint edition of Nathan Road presents some of the changes along the thorughfare since 2007, when this books was first published, and since 2005, when all the images were taken.

「也許,我想拍下的,不只是眼前美麗的景象,而是那些不斷流逝的記憶。」二OO五年的彌敦道,今天看來會否陌生? 修訂版保留原版照片,增訂文字,見證十年來彌敦道的變化。


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