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  • 作者:Christopher Chu、Pui Man Hoi
  • 譯者:胡鸝藻、許貝文
  • 校        對:陳煥嫻、萬聰聰、黃青藍
  • 封面設計:胡鸝藻、許貝文、賢
  • 出版社:澳門人
  • 出版年份:2023
  • 語言:繁體中文
  • ISBN:9789998163140



大三巴牌坊為什麼叫作“大三巴”?澳門又是如何同時擁有“天主聖名之城”與“慾望都市”之名?這是一本趣味性與學術性兼具的書籍,作者Christopher Chu與Maggie Hoi以簡短的篇幅,配以珍藏圖片,講述澳門文化遺跡背後22個鮮為人知的故事。現在誠邀你與我們一起見證澳門,發掘澳門的獨特魅力。



Christopher Chu
Christopher Chu is originally from New York. He double majored in ecnomics and psychology from Pitzer College in Claremont, California. Christopher also holds a MPhil from the University of Cambridge, reading at the Faculty of Oriental Studies. Christopher often likes to share that Ian Fleming’s James Bond character also studied at the same faculty.


Pui Man Hoi
Pui Man Hoi is an Associate Professor at the University of Macau. Born and raised in Macau, Maggie studied Pharmacology at the University College London( UCL). Maggie also holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge and reminds Christopher to stop telling everyone that he and James Bond would have the same theoretical degree.



1   來到澳門:用創作撫慰心靈
2   特權播下的仇恨種子
3   助建澳門的貿易契約
4   葡荷澳門戰役
5   媽祖名城:無比忠貞
6   各不相讓:王權與教權的紛爭
7   大廈將傾:黃金時代的告終
8   向誰效忠:更高層次的忠誠
9   澳門與禮儀之爭
10 事發現場:花園房屋
11 墓葬權:與魔鬼的交易
12 錢納利的足跡
13 兩座寺廟:被遺忘的鴉片故事
14 火與怒:取回亞馬喇的左臂
15 縱慾都市:太多,卻永遠不夠
16 警戒
17 瘋堂雙城記,庇山耶與《滴漏》
18 東望洋山:澳門的軍事足跡
19 澳門顯與隱的美
20 島嶼爭霸vs甜品大戰
21 盧慕貞的澳門故事
22 轉捩點:二十世紀的澳門發展


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