Chinese Middlemen in Hong Kong's Colonial Economy, 1830-1890
A Chinese Melting Pot: Original People and Immigrants in Hong Kong’s First ‘New
Coolie Ships of the Chinese Diaspora (1846 - 1874)
圍頭與客家- 香港本土語言故事集
For Gods, Ghosts and Ancestors: The Chinese Tradition of Paper Offerings
Reluctant Exiles? Migration from Hong Kong and the New Overseas Chinese
Western Medicine for Chinese
Chinese Junks and Other Native Craft
Bound to Emancipate: Working Women and Urban Citizenship
Ancestral Genealogies in Modern China: A Study of Lineage Organizations in HK
Ancestral Images: A Hong Kong Collection
Meeting Place: Encounters across Cultures in Hong Kong, 1841–1984
Unsettling Exiles: Chinese Migrants in Hong Kong and the Southern Periphery
Chinese Diaspora Charity and the Cantonese Pacific, 1850–1949