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  • 作者: Nora Chiang 姜蘭虹
  • 出版社:唐山出版社
  • 出版日期:2022/05/15
  • 語言:繁體中文
  • ISBN:9789863072164



  Lee Chack Fan/ 李焯芬
  President, Chu Hai College of Higher Education
  Emeritus Professor and Former Vice-President, HKU

  Nora is well respected as a diligent and highly productive scholar, and a very able organizer of academic conferences and international scientific exchange programs. Nora reminds me of my late teacher, Professor Jao Tsung-I, who officially retired at the age of 70 but continued his scholarly research studies until he was close to a hundred years old.
  John Lidstone
  Professor of Geography, Queensland University of Technology

  As my own life continues, my reading of Nora’s “Memoir” both educates me on the unfolding of an academic career across the US and Asia vastly different from my own in England and Australia. We started in very different places and although we lived through the same historical period, we operated in vastly different social, cultural, gender, political contexts.





Nora Chiang 姜蘭虹

  Professor Emerita of Geography
  National Taiwan University
  Received B.A. (Hons.) in Geography and Geology from the University of Hong Kong, M.A. in Geography from Indiana University (Bloomington), and Ph.D in Geography from the University of Hawaii. Her research has been published in many well-recognized international journals on the subjects of transnational migration, feminist geography, sustainable tourism, and geography of Taiwanese-Chinese diaspora. From 1974-2021, she has published 100 refereed papers, 27 book chapters, and 13 special issues and books, which include: The Challenges of Globalization: Cultures in Transition in the Pacific-Asia Region (with Stephenson and Lidstone, 2006), and Immigrant Adaptation in Multi-Ethnic Societies: Canada, Taiwan, and the United States (with Fong and Denton 2013). Her recent research focuses on Taiwanese migrants to developed countries.


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