- 出版社:中華書局
- 出版日期:2023
- 語言:繁體中文/ English
- ISSN:2248800067535
Modern Chinese Literature 現代中國文學
1. 胡婉慧Helena WU
Worlding the Jianghu: Loyalists, Revolutionists, and Secret Societies in Late Qing and Early Republican China
China-West Studies 中西文化交流研究
1. 董少新 DONG Shaoxin
A New Study on European Sources and the Writing of Chinese History
2. 鄒振環 ZOU Zhenhuan
Personification and Deification: Paintings and Statues of Zheng He and the Construction of His Images in History
Hong Kong Studies 香港研究
1. 容世誠 YUNG Sai Shing
Chinese Opera in Hong Kong as Reflected in the Zhengxin lu, TungWah Hospital: The Emergence of a New Market, 1877–1911
2. 余少華 YU Siu Wah
From Xiange bidu (Vocal Music with Strings ) to Guoyue xinsheng (New Voices of National Music): Qiu Hechou’s Re-positioning of Cantonese Music
Research Area Review 研究領域述評
1. 周雲龍 ZHOU Yunlong
Studies of Sino-foreign Literature Relations as a Research Area: Methodologies and Ideological Factors
Specialist Critiques 專家銳評
1. 馬幼垣 MA Yau-woon
A Critical Appraisal of Cheng Yizhong’s Xuanhe yishi jiaozhu
Reviews 書評
1. 郭紓妤GUO Shuyu
Maram Epstein, Orthodox Passions: Narrating Filial Love Duringthe High Qing